Patient Self-Referral to Podiatry Services

We provide services for patients registered with a GP in Haringey or Islington only. If you are registered with a GP outside of these boroughs we will not be able to accept your referral.

A self referral can be made using the form below, if the patient is aged 18 or above.

The service only sees people with medical conditions that put their foot health at risk, for example, uncontrolled diabetes.

Toenail cutting is part of personal care, so you may cut them yourself or someone else may cut them for you if you cannot. Toenails can also be cut by private Podiatry, Chiropody, Foot Health Practitioners, Beauty Therapists and Nail Salons.

We do not offer treatment for the following conditions:
  • Verruca
  • Corns and Calluses
  • Fungal Nail Infections
  • Basic Nail Cutting
Referrals for the above will be rejected.

Please ensure all the fields marked* are filled in correctly.

Patient details

GP details

Area of pain / How it started /Any previous treatments?

General Health

You must have a health condition that puts your foot health at risk in order to be accepted to our service. If you do not have a health condition listed below, it is likely that your referral will be rejected.

If this section is not completed, referral will be rejected.

Please tick if you have any of the following:

SINCE THE ONSET OF THIS PROBLEM Do any of the following apply to you? If you have the symptoms please tick

If you have ticked any of these symptoms, and you HAVE NOT seen a doctor for this symptom, it is essential you arrange an appointment with your GP


Due to your current problem you are unable to:

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