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Multi-disciplinary team - Dr Anthony Leeds

Dr Anthony Leeds
Anthony Leeds is a Visiting Senior Fellow in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Surrey and was recently appointed as visiting Professor in the Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of Copenhagen. He practices part-time in the NHS at the Central Middlesex Hospital in the department of Diabetes and Endocrinology and is a member of the multidisciplinary team of the North London Obesity Surgery Service at The Whittington Hospital. He was Senior Lecturer and Principal Investigator in the Division of Nutrition Sciences at King's College London until September 2007 and is now Medical Director of the Cambridge Weight Plan.

Dr Leeds graduated from the Middlesex Hospital Medical School where, as a senior student, he studied trans-placental malaria transmission in Nigeria in 1970, having first learned his parasitology skills at the WHO reference laboratory, Horton, with PG Shute, then aged 75. Shute had in turn, in 1917, learned from Ronald Ross (who had confirmed experimentally how malaria infestation occurs). Following junior medical posts at the Middlesex, Lister and Northwick Park Hospitals and a short spell as medical officer in Sierra Leone he held a research fellowship at the MRC Gastroenterology Unit contributing to studies on dietary fibre in health and disease with Professor David Jenkins, who first described the ‘glycaemic index’ of foods in 1981. He then moved to Queen Elizabeth College which subsequently merged with King's College London in 1985, where he developed an intercalated BSc course in Nutrition for medical students. He has been seconded to the Department of Health as head of the Nutrition Unit and secretary to the Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy (COMA), and has served two terms on the Council of the Nutrition Society.

He was chairman of the Royal Society of Medicine's Forum on Food and Health, where he founded Christmas lectures for sixth-formers, for ten years from 1990 in succession to Sir Francis Avery Jones and Dr Kenneth Heaton. He served as Chairman of the Research Ethics Committee of King's College London for eighteen years until December 2001 and facilitated the registration of Nutritionists serving as Chairman of the joint Institute of Biology/Nutrition Society Accreditation Panel for the Register of Nutritionists. He was chairman of the registration committee of the Nutrition Society until 2007. He is a member of the Society of Authors, and a trustee of HeartUK, the cholesterol charity, and of the All Saints Educational Trust. At HeartUK he is a member of the product approval working group, on which he facilitated the development of a transparent systematic review process. His current research interests concern the use of low energy diets and very low energy diets (VLED) in weight management; he works with colleagues at the Parker Institute, Frederiksberg hospital, Copenhagen. An occasional speaker on Radio he has an interest in the diet of ancient man and made contributions to 'Ray Mears Wild Foods' aired on BBC2 in 2007. In 2010 he contributed to the BBC web-site ‘scrubbing up’ series discussing obesity, sleep apnoea and road traffic accidents, and the costs of obesity treatment with surgery.


Christensen P, Riecke BF, Bliddal H, Leeds AR, Astrup A, Winther K, Christensen. Improved nutritional status after a weight loss formula diet: A cohort study exploring safety in a randomised controlled trial. Obesity Reviews 2010; 11 (suppl 1): 247 (T3:PO.81).

Christensen R, Leeds AR, Lohmander S, Christensen P, Riecke BF, Sørensen TJ, Gudbergsen H, Aaboe J, Henriksen M, Boesen M, Astrup A, Bliddal H. Efficancy of dieting or exercise vs control in obese osteoarthritis patients after a clinically significant weight loss: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Obesity Reviews 2010; 11 (suppl 1): 248 (T3:PO.83).

Riecke BF, Christensen R, Christensen P, Leeds AR, Boesen M, Lohmander LS, Astrup A, Bliddal H. Comparing two low-energy diets for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis symptoms in obese patients: a pragmatic randomized clinical trial. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2010; 10/1016/j.joca.

Philippou E, Neary NM, Chaudri O, Brynes AE, Dornhorst A, Leeds AR, Hickson M, Frost GS.
The effect of dietary glycemic index on weight maintenance in overweight subjects: a pilot study.
Obesity (Silver Spring). 2009 Feb;17(2):396-401. Epub 2008 Dec 4

Harman NL, Leeds AR, Griffin BA.
Increased dietary cholesterol does not increase plasma low density lipoprotein when accompanied by an energy-restricted diet and weight loss.
Eur J Nutr 2008 Se;47(6):287-93. Epub 2008 Aug 26.

Hajifaraji M, Leeds AR.
The effect of high and low glycaemic index diets on urinary chromium in healthy individuals: a cross-over study.
Arch Iran Med 2008 Jan; 11(1):57-64

Philippou E, McGowan BM, Brynes AE, Dornhorst A, Leeds AR, Frost GS.
The effect of a 12-week low glycaemic index diet on heart disease risk factors and 24 h glycaemic response in healthy middle-aged volunteers at risk of heart disease: a pilot study.
Eur J Clin Nutr. 2008 Jan; 62(1):145-9. Epub 2007 Feb 21.

Gardner EJ, Ruxton CH, Leeds AR.
Black tea--helpful or harmful? A review of the evidence.
Eur J Clin Nutr. 2007 Jan;61(1):3-18. Epub 2006 Jul 19. Review.

Bassindale T, Cowan DA, Dale S, Hutt AJ, Leeds AR, Wheeler MJ, Kicman AT.
Effects of oral administration of androstenedione on plasma androgens in young women using hormonal contraception.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Dec;89(12):6030-8.

Patel VC, Aldridge RD, Leeds A, Dornhorst A, Frost GS.
Retrospective analysis of the impact of a low glycaemic index diet on hospital stay following coronary artery bypass grafting: a hypothesis.
J Hum Nutr Diet. 2004 Jun;17(3):241-7.

Brynes AE, Lee JL, Brighton RE, Leeds AR, Dornhorst A, Frost GS.
A low glycemic diet significantly improves the 24-h blood glucose profile in people with type 2 diabetes, as assessed using the continuous glucose MiniMed monitor.
Diabetes Care. 2003 Feb;26(2):548-9.

Leeds AR, Brand Miller J, Foster-Powell K, Colagiuri S.(2003)
The New Glucose Revolution. Third edition. London: Hodder Mobius .

Leeds AR.
Current views about dietary fiber. In 'Textbook of Men's Health', Lunenfeld B, Gooren, L eds. Boca Raton: Parthenon Publishing, 2002, pp276 - 280.

Attenborough RD, Leeds AR, Attenborough MJ.
Energy and nutrient intake in an ecologically constrained Himalayan valley: a retrospective and prospective discussion. In 'Man-Environment Relationship', Bhasin MK, Bhasin V eds.
Delhi:Kamla-Raj Enterprises, 2000, pps 181 - 188.

Deferne J-L, Leeds AR.
Resting blood pressure and cardiovascular reactivity to mental arithmetic in mild hypertensive males supplemented with blackcurrant seed oil.
J Hum Hypertension 1996; 10: 531-7

Turnbull WH, Walton J, Leeds AR.
Acute effects of mycoprotein on subsequent energy intake and appetite variables.
Am J Clin Nutr 1993; 58: 507-12.

Deferne J-L, Leeds AR.
The antihypertensive effect of dietary supplementation with a 6-desaturated essential fatty acid concentrate as compared with a sunflower seed oil.
J Hum Hypertension 1992; 6: 113 – 119

Last updated09 Sep 2010