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Adult-Child Interaction Strategies

Why use adult-child interaction (ACI) strategies?

Why use adult-child interaction (ACI) strategies?
ACI helps…
  • to build stronger relationships between parents/ carers.
  • to identify areas to work towards.
  • develop confidence in using strategies to support your child’s speech, language and communication development.
  • prioritise learning through play.

Here is a link to a video which talks through and demonstrates some of the strategies listed below.

How to do it:

  • Try and spend at least 5-10 minutes every day having ‘special time’ together.
  • Turn off the TV and reduce other distractions.
  • Pick some of the strategies you would like to practise using during ‘special time’ with your child. Please see the strategy table below. You can download a printable version here if you wish.
  • You may find it helpful to video your playtime so you can watch it back and reflect on what worked well and what else you may wish to try next time.
  • Have fun!


Do you... 
Get down to the child’s level and be face to face with them
Let the child choose the toy or activity
Wait, watch and provide silence
Observe and follow what the child wants to do and join in by imitating their actions
Pause to allow time for your child to communicate with you. They may do this through sounds, words, facial expressions, body movement, eye gaze or through their play actions
Imitate by copying the child’s actions & sounds
Talk about what the child is doing (commenting) using a short simple sentence
Listen to what the child has said and repeat them
Interpret-by saying what the child would say if s/he could
Extend by repeating what the child has said and adding a word
Make your voice sound interesting
Only ask a few questions
Give lots of praise (if your child likes this)
Give the child a reason to communicate and wait
Last updated20 Jan 2025