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Children's Outpatients

Children's Outpatients

Main Address

  • We are based on the fourth floor of the Whittington Hospital. When coming in to the hospital via the main entrance in Magdala Avenue, use the main lifts to take you up to level 4 and follow the signs for Children’s Outpatients.
  • 0207 288 5882 / 5883

Our Children’s Outpatient Department at the Whittington Hospital sees approximately 1050 children a month and provides a range of care and treatment for children who do not require hospital admission.

We provide regular general paediatric new and follow up clinics and are currently seeing all children within five weeks of referral.

We provide specialist consultant led clinics with consultants from the Whittington Hospital and with consultants from other specialist hospitals.


0207 288 5882 / 5883

Useful resources

If your child is visiting us for a blood test, you may find some of the resources below useful to help to reduce their anxiety and further understand the process.



Further Information

The team:
Consultant: Neeta Patel
Nursing Specialist: Maria Ohrman
Nursing Specialist: Dee Brown

This clinic is held once a week and is run by a multi-disciplinary team including a paediatric dietician and an allergy nurse. This allows children with suspected allergies to be assessed, tested and have a dietary review, where needed, during the first appointment. (currently working on a separate allergy page)

The team:
Consultant: John Moreiras
Nursing Specialist: Charlotte Dann
Nursing Specialist: Mariarosaria Postiglione

We have regular asthma clinics with the consultant and asthma nurse specialist. Investigations may include lung function tests and allergy testing. Children seen in this clinic are those with complicated asthma.

The team:
Consultant: Yuva Moyo
Consultant: Abiramy Fernando
Lead Paediatric Diabetes Specialist Nurse: Nicole Tanner
Paediatric Diabetes Specialist Nurses: Emily Dobbs and Shelina Yasmin
Paediatric Diabetes Dietician: Jessie Chein
Family Psychotherapist: Deborah Wellington

This is a multidisciplinary clinic with consultant, diabetes specialist nurse and dietician. In addition with have a quaterly diabetes transition clinic with adult diabetologist and adult diabetes specialist nurse for young people over 16 years to aid their transition to adult care.

The team:
Consultants: Jane Simpson
Consultants: Abiramy Fernando
Consultants: Yuva Moyo.
Clinics are held monthly and deal with children who have growth disorders, pubertal disorders and thyroid problems.
Endocrinology/adolescent endocrinology: Jane Simpson and Shona Jacobsberg (Adult endocrinologist)
Clinics are held monthly and focuses on adolescent endocrine disorders
Endocrinology GOSH outreach: Jane Simpson and Hoong Wei Gan (GOSH Paediatric Endocrinologist)
Clinics are held quarterly and are for children known to GOSH Endocrinology Service

The team:
Consultant: Janine Younis
Consultant: Kerry Robinson
Consultant: Katarina Harris
Nurse Specialist: Sharon Buchanan

General paediatrics
Consultant: All consultants

This clinic deals with a variety of conditions including uncomplicated asthma, growth concerns, failure to thrive, constipation, headaches and abdominal pain.

The team:
Consultant: Gopa Sen and Elinor Sefi
Nurse Specialist: Sonal Patel
Nurse Specialist: Laura Gratton
Nurse Specialist: Ella Berrington

This clinic occurs Thursday mornings and is run with a clinical nurse specialist and access to a wider multidisciplinary team if needed.

The team:
Consultant: Elinor Sefi
Clinical Nurse Specialist: Sonal Patel
Physiotherapist: Ross Worsley
Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioners: Ciara McClarey, Kajal Doshi

We run a monthly outreach clinic in conjunction with Dr Muthana Al Obaidi, Consultant Rheumatologist from GOSH, seeing predominantly inflammatory rheumatological conditions such as Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, and a regular rheumatology clinic for other predominantly inflammatory conditions.
We run multidisciplinary non inflammatory rheumatology clinics jointly with physiotherapy.
We also offer paediatric rapid access musculoskeletal clinics run by our advanced practice physiotherapists who can assess and triage any complex paediatric MSK referrals who require specialist assessment and possible imaging and investigations, or second opinion following physiotherapy.
We have close links to the community physiotherapy teams in the community who are able to see children directly for conditions such as knee pain, and hypermobility.

Haematology Service
The team:
Lead Paediatric Consultant: Janine Younis
Consultant: Arpana Soni
Paediatric Haematology Specialist Nurses: Emma Savie-Disu and Edith Aimiuwu
Community haematology specialist nurse: Grace Adjei-Clinton
Clinical psychologist: Angelica Titmus
Haematologists: Dr Ryan Mullay and Dr Ana Ortuno-Cabrero

We deliver a weekly multi-disciplinary clinic on Thursday afternoons for children with haemoglobinopathy and rare anaemias.
Inpatient management is also overseen by the team.

Open Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
GP’s can refer children to our services. The majority of new referrals are made through the choose and book system.
Last updated17 Jan 2025